
Fix Your PC Errors

Abrasive will safely scan your Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information. By fixing this missing information in your Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free.


System Optimizer

Abrasive is the fastest way to adjust all your system settings at once. The PC Optimizer works by adjusting your system settings so that your machine will function at its maximum capacity.


Boost Your PC's Speed

Abrasive will tweak your complete system to help boost your PC speed and overall system performance. You will have faster downloads, uploads, web surfing and more.


Clean Your System

If you are using your computer from day to day you’re going to accumulate system clutter. You can significantly increase your PC performance stability by removing these files.

How it works - Diagnose and Fix PC problems

With everything you do on your PC, including adding on devices, a new entry is created in your Windows® registry, and seldom are any removed after they’re no longer needed. The result, your PC gets bogged down with unnecessary entries, slowing your PC speed, the start-up and your Internet browser. Abrasive cleans up registry entries and puts your PC back on track for optimal performance.

  • Free up disk and memory space
  • Speed up system performance
  • Fix system errors and crashes
    Quickly clean and repair registry


Increase Your PC Speed and Repair Registry Errors Now